Can 1 Vote Change the Direction of Alberta’s Future for Individuals with ASD?

The first ballot of the Alberta PC Leadership race took place on September 17, 2011. There are now three candidates to compete for votes for the second and final balot scheduled for Saturday October 1, Alison Redford, Gary Mar, and Doug Horner.

Many individuals and families living with ASD are recommending Autism Calgary members to cast their vote this Saturday October 1.  Calls and e-mails are coming in from several members asking us to circulate information about their preferred candidate.  Some members argue that this vote carries more weight than the vote for your local MLA during a provincial election.  After all, the winner will assume the position of Premier of Alberta.

To be eligible to vote for this leadership race you need to carry a membership to the Alberta PC party.  Leadership candidates are enthusiastically selling memberships online on their official websites… you need only Google their name to visit their website and purchase a membership for five dollars.  Bring your membership together with photo ID on Saturday October 1 to the nearest poling station.  To find your nearest Polling Station (Click Here.)

Autism Calgary is an active member of the Alberta Disabilities Forum (ADF).  ADF has conducted interviews to help Albertans get an idea where all PC leadership candidates sit in regards to issues related to individuals and families living with disabilities.  Note, not all candidates responded to the ADF request for an interview, and some declined.  Detailed summaries of the interviews conducted can be found on the ADF WEBSITE (Click Here).  You will find this information extremely helpful.

We are posting this article to help spread this message and leave it your hands to decide; “to vote or not to vote… that is the question.”