Calgary Board of Education (CBE)


Please visit the Calgary Board of Education (CBE) website for the most up-to-date information. Here is a brief description of the special programs available within the CBE settings to date.


(EES) – Enhanced Educational Supports: Grades 1 to 6 

  • Most of the elementary students with autism that previously were in CSSI, TASK or SKILLS classes were transferred to this program.
  • The Enhanced Educational Supports (EES) class supports students in grades 1-6 with moderate to severe developmental delays.


(CSSI) – Communication, Sensory and Social Interaction: Grades 7 to 12

  • The CSSI class supports students with multiple and complex learning, behaviour, and communication needs.
  • Learner supports and accommodations may include the use of assistive technology, augmentative communication systems, work-systems and sensory activities.


(TASC) – Teaching of Attitude, Social Skills and Communication: Grades 7 to 12

  • The TASC class is for students requiring significant learning, adaptive behaviour, and physical support.
  • Students receive personalized and functional curriculum related to social-communication, play and leisure, daily living, safety, regulation, independence, leisure and pre-vocational skills.


(ACCESS) – Attitude, Community Competence, Elements of Academic Curriculum, and Social Skills: Grades 7 to 12

  • The ACCESS class supports students with moderate to severe learning and adaptive behaviour needs.
  • Students receive personalized and functional curriculum related to the development of functional academic, social-communication, independence, daily living, safety and leisure.


(ALP) – Adapted Learning Program: Grades 7 to 12. 

  • The ALP (Assisted Learning Program) supports students with moderate learning and adaptive behaviour needs.
  • Students receive personalized and functional curriculum to support the development of literacy, numeracy, social-communication, independence, daily living, leisure, vocational and volunteering skills.


(PLP) – Paced Learning Program: Grades 4 to 12. 

  • The Paced Learning Program (PLP) supports students with mild to moderate learning and adaptive behaviour needs.
  • Students receive personalized and functional curriculum related to the development of functional academics, social-communication, independence, daily living, safety, citizenship, leisure, vocational and volunteering skills


Bridges: Grades 1-12 

  • The Bridges supports students who present with severe externalizing behaviours, which significantly impact their learning and social success in a traditional education setting.
  • Curriculum modifications and instructional accommodations are implemented based on the individual needs of each student.


The Class: Grades 1-12 

  • The Class supports students in Grades 1-12 who present with severe internalizing behaviours, which significantly impact their learning and social success in a traditional education setting.
  • Curriculum modifications and instructional accommodations are implemented based on the individual needs of each student.


Unique Educational Settings

Programming and supports for students diagnosed with conditions which have a mild to severe impact on cognitive, academic, and adaptive functioning.


Emily Follensbee School: Unique setting for students 2½ to 15 years old with multiple and complex learning needs. Students develop self-help skills, environmental knowledge, community awareness, basic conceptual skills, communication skills.

Christine Meikle School: Offers programming for students with moderate to severe cognitive disabilities and/or complex learning, medical and emotional needs. This program is for students 12-19 years old. Components of this program include: functional academics, work experience, activities of daily living, adaptive physical education, fine arts, assistive technology, augmentative communication, sensory motor development.