Special Guest Presentation
Thursday September 8, 7:00pm to 9:00pm.
In “Overcoming the Challenges: Teaching Someone with Autism Spectrum Disorder to Cook Really Well” Penny Gill discusses how to address the sensory challenges, fine and gross motor challenges, and the difficulties processing information and following directions that commonly arise when teaching people with ASD to cook. Penny explains how to improve eating habits and social/communication skills in the context of cooking classes, too. This talk will be useful for teachers, service providers and parents of adolescents, adults, and even younger children, since it includes ways to address these challenges from an early age.
Penny, founding president of the Ontario charity “Autism Family Alliance”, has run a cooking school for people with ASD since 2002. To learn more about the cooking school, Penny, or this charity, visit www.cookingwithautism.com.
This presentation will be Thursday, September 8th 2011, 7 to 9 PM at the office of Autism Calgary: 174, 3359 27 Street NE Calgary. Please register by leaving Rebecca a message with your name, number attending and your contact information by e-mail at , or telephone 403-250-5033 and dial zero. If there is a change of venue, all registered participants will be contacted.