Participants Needed for UofC Research Study

Help us understand the impact of peer victimization (bullying) in students with ASD! Research has shown that students with ASD are bullied more frequently than other children. However, we don’t yet know how students with ASD are bullied or what the impact of bullying has on this unique population. We are recruiting students with ASD who are considered “high functioning” and their families to participate in this important project.
This study is being conducted by Dr. Adam McCrimmon at the University of Calgary and Dr. Jonathan Weiss at York University. Participation involves student completion of some hands-on tasks and questionnaires with research staff over one 3 hour session or two shorter sessions. Parents will also have some questionnaires to complete to provide us with information about their child. As well, if possible, a teacher who knows the student well will be asked to also provide information about the student. Students are provided a $25 gift certificate for places such as Best Buy, Futureshop, Cineplex, or Toys R Us and parents and teachers will receive a $10 gift card for Starbucks to thank you for your time with us. Parking will also be provided.

To participate or to find out more information about the study, please go to, email us at , or phone us at 403-220-2112.