Microbes In Our Gut: Sunday Jan 19, 3pm


Our Inner Rainforest

Microbes in Our Gut

Do They Affect Our Behaviour?

Special Guest: Dr. Derrick MacFabe

January 19, 2014 @ 3pm

Cost: Free, Reserve tickets below to ensure a seat

Location: University of Calgary

Kinesiology Building B, Room KNB 132

2500 University Drive NW Calgary T2N 1N4

On Your Mind Thinker

Registration:  To ensure a free seat at this event, reserve your tickets online  CLICK HERE.

(Please join us in sending a special thank you to an anonymous donor for covering venue costs and expenses.) 

Presentation: Dr. Derrick MacFabe will be speaking in Calgary,  January 19th at 3:00pm (University of Calgary, Kinesiology Building B, Room KNB 132) to discuss the roles that microbes have on our  behaviour. Dr. MacFabe is an Assistant Professor and Director of the Kilee Patchell-Evans Autism Research Group at the University of Western Ontario. As a researcher and an internationally renouned speaker, Dr. MacFabe was featured on The Autism Enigma a special episode of CBC’s The Nature of Things.

The event is open to anyone interested in the important role that microbes play in human health.


Jointly hosting this presentation

Autism Canada Foundation

Autism Calgary Association
