Acting Deputy Minister of Education seeks input for IPPs

As schools and school authorities move toward a more inclusive education system, there remain high expectations for all students in Alberta, including those with diverse learning needs.  The Standards for Special Education (2004) requires school boards to identify and deliver effective programming for students with special education needs in Grades 1 to 12.  The Individualized Program Plan (IPP), which currently includes ten required components, is a concise plan of action designed to address students’ special education needs.

Work has been initiated to review the components required in IPPs in Alberta.  There will be an opportunity to engage stakeholders in an IPP Component Survey in March 2013.  Students, teachers, school leaders, parents and educational assistants will be asked to share their thoughts about IPP components and the future direction of IPPs.  Results will be used to help make decisions about future IPP components in Alberta.  Your feedback is welcome and encouraged.

I appreciate your assistance with this data collection and ask that you please forward this link to your school leaders, teachers, educational assistants, parents and students:  The online survey will take approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Should you require further information, please contact Connie Ohl, Education Manager, Inclusive Learning Supports Branch, at 780-427-5419 (dial 310-0000 first for toll-free access in Alberta) or by email at .



Michael Walter

Acting Deputy Minister of Education