ASD Positive Scout Troop: Parent Meeting

As you may have heard Autism Calgary and Scouts Canada are working together to pilot two special Scout Troops in Calgary. These would focus on building a supportive experience for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The setting would offer an increased ratio of adults; ASD aware volunteer leaders and special needs assistants. A survey was circulated earlier in the year (feel free to add to the survey if you haven’t done so already. )

Join us at the Autism Calgary office Tuesday September 17 at 7pm, in the spirit of scouting, for a meeting to make this a parent lead initiative.

The pilot will cover Beavers (Children from 5-7 years of age) and Cubs (Children from 8-10 years of age.)
join Cub Scouts. Also, survey respondents suggest, while the children are having fun, parents are invited to attend a parent social group hosted by Autism Calgary. Snacks, conversation and guest speakers help parents share ideas, support each other and relax.

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