Learn how Brain Gym® prepares the mind/body /heart for learning and releases stress, helping people to see, hear and move with greater ease and think and respond more clearly. Learn how Movement Explorations and Rhythmic Movement Training help to integrate childhood reflexes, develop connections in the brain/body system and balance, coordination and control of the body and emotions.
For the last 28 years, Dana has also been practicing Educational Kinesiology, and received an OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT AWARD from the Educational Kinesiology Foundation for facilitating the translation of BRAIN GYM® into Croatian. He is a licensed Brain Gym® Instructor/Consultant who has also completed Rhythmic Movement Training levels I-III and Movement Explorations levels I-IV and Integration of Dynamic and Postural Reflexes into the Whole Body Movement System.
Dana has taught workshops and worked as an Artist in Residence in Canada and over 20 countries. His focus has been to help children develop physical dance / movement literacy, and has taught people of all ages and is currently also teaching Brain-Body Fitness and movement mastery programs for Seniors.
For more information on Mr. Luebke please visit his website:: http://
3639 26th Street NE map
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Autism Calgary does not support, endorse or recommend any method, treatment, product, remedial center, program or person for people with autism or autism related conditions. It does, however, endeavor to inform because it believes in the right to have access to the information available and to make individual choices.