Bio-Medical Roundup from July.26th

On Thursday July.26th we had a great Bio-Medical meeting. We’d like to thank Maria Castro for leading this group for a second month in a row, and of course to all the people who attended and brought their knowledge on Alternative Therapies to the meeting. Below are a few of the notes from the meeting last night but it only represents about 15% of the information that was flying around the room. There was simply so much happening and my fingers could only type so fast. Keep in mind I am new to Bio-Medical and Alternative Therapies, if you believe I’ve made a mistake somewhere along the way or need a correction please comment at the bottom of this page and I will make the correction in the blog. Once again thank you for coming out and we hope to see you next month, August 30th when we hold our next Bio-Medical Meeting from 7-9pm at our Autism Calgary Office. As always, please register with Rebecca at or by phone at (403) 250-5033 (ext. 0).


  • We all must eat vegetables, fruit and meat. Without a complete diet, your goals cannot be achieved.
  • After being on any number of the many diets, you may be able to go back to eating conventional food, but its totally depended on the individual.
  • Water is SUPER important:
    • Get your water cleaned. This means getting a filter, a reverse osmosis seems to be the most popular.
    • Don’t bother with a Brita Filter or Bottled water, they are not enough.
    • To replenish only the good minerals it was recommended to use “Sentivia” (spelling?).
  • For brushing your teeth, use “Tooth Soap” instead of regular tooth paste.


  • Swimming and being generally active has helped many to have regular bowel movements
  • A good number of bowel movements are 2-3 a day.


  • Hyperbaric Chambers have had a little anecdotal evidence, but keep in mind it is VERY expensive.
  • Jo-Ann Lee-Maritiu was in attendance and her services may be tax deductible in the upcoming year. Contact her for more information at


Once again we thank everyone for coming out and we will be meeting again on August 30th at our Autism Calgary Office from 7-9pm. You can register by emailing Rebecca at or by phone at (403) 250-5033 (ext. 0).