CES Presentation – Stem Cells from Cord Blood – Friday, May 2

The Community Education Service is pleased to present the following session taking place on Friday May 2, 2014: (click on title)

Stem Cells from Cord Blood: Current uses and future possibilities

Participants in this session will learn about the current and potential use of stem cells from cord blood. It is now over 25 years since the first successful cord blood transplantation and these cells are now routinely used for bone marrow transplantation. Recently, much focus has been on the potential use in regenerative medicine, especially for patients with ischemic brain injury. As Canada is moving into a new chapter of cord blood banking, with increased availability for public banking, the similarities, differences and synergies between public and family banks will be discussed.

This session IS available via Video Conference/Audioline


 To register to attend in person, or to create a new account, go to: 
