Respite for Caregivers
Abilities in Motion Support Services
AIMSS provide care for adults with disabilities, seniors, and complex needs in a range of settings, including full-service organizations, supported living communities, at-home care, supportive roommates, and respite care for family managed and PDD-funded individuals.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 836-8618
Above and Beyond Care
Adult respite services. Short- and long-term care solutions. Complex needs, wheelchair accessible. Family Managed Services families welcome.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 616-2731
With Alto, families can hire respite workers, behavioural aides, community aides, and more. Alto can directly bill FSCD for your services. There are no extra fees and no weekly or monthly minimums, all families pay is the hourly rate of their caregiver. Families are also able to choose their own caregiver from Alto, so they get reliable care from someone that fits their family, at an hourly rate that works for them. A credit card is required to keep on file, but Alto can also directly bill FSCD or take e transfer for payment. Alto has worked with families using FSCD, PDD, and more.
Autism Aspergers Friends Society (AAFS)
Provides respite care in a social and recreational environment for adults and children on the spectrum.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 246-7383
Carewest Dr. Vernon Fanning Centre
The Fanning Centre offers respite services to allow caregivers a chance to recharge. Respite services include companion care in the home (up to 4 hours a week), an adult day support program (up to 2 days a week for 6 hours a day), and overnight stays in a care facility (the length of stay to be decided after a home care assessment).
- Phone: (403) 230-6900
Forever Living Care Services
Forever living care services support adults with special needs. The company supports all abilities, the services include Respite services, a personalized community access program, Employment services, and residential support through our innovative cluster home model. Recognizing the significance of caregiver respite, Forever Living offers customized respite services to provide essential breaks for caregivers. The community access program is adaptable, offering both group and individualized activities tailored to each client’s unique preference. In the Forever Living residential support model, individuals benefit from 24/7 housing with a supportive roommate, ensuring continuous care. Forever Living Care Services Limited is a qualified service provider that supports adults with special needs under the family-managed model that is funded by PDD. Access to service is Immediate as available.
- Email:
Phone: (587) 226-1193
Independent Living Resource Center of Calgary (ILRCC)
Is an organization committed to empowering individuals 18+ with disabilities throughout Alberta. They have a website database to help caregivers find respite workers. They provide help with AISH Applications & Appeals, PDD Applications, City of Calgary Fee Entry Program, Housing Applications and more. They offer Social Skills programs, Community Access, Support Independent Living Program and have programs for Cooking, Art & Crafts, Yoga, Bowling, Social evening, Music and Dance, ASL and more.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 263-6880
Resicare Society of Calgary
Supported Residential Homes with overnight residences, Community Access – Community Based Day Support, Community Based Outreach Support, Support homes, Supported Independent Living, In Home Respite Care Resourceful Futures Community Support Ltd.
- Phone: (403) 286-3709
Universal Rehabilitation Service Agency (URSA)
Their Residential Services program offers assisted-living groups homes for people 18 and older with developmental disabilities, with options for both long-term residence and short-term respite. This program is intended for those who require partial to total assistance with activities of daily living, and also has additional supports for those transitioning from the child healthcare system to the adult system.
- Phone: (403) 272-7722
Youth Transitions to Adulthood (Aspen Family Services)
Provides supported independent living, life skill development, support with education and employment planning.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 219-3477
Caregiver Support
Calgary and Area Moms Autism Support Network
A Facebook group dedicated to helping parents connect with one another. Note that the group is private; those wishing to view or create posts must request permission from the moderators to join.
Calgary SCOPE Society
Provides counseling for parents and families who have a child ages 0-18 with a disability. To be eligible, families need to have approved counseling hours included in their child’s FSCD contract. Counseling hours will be billed directly through FSCD. Hosts Coffee and Connect Support Group, a monthly meeting for parents of guardians of adults living with a disability.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 509-0200
Canada Caregiver Credit
The Canada Caregiver Credit (CCC) is a non-refundable tax credit for individuals who care for a spouse or common-law partner, or a dependant with a physical or mental impairment.
Canadian Companion Services
Provides care for individuals living with disabilities and complex needs in a range of various residential services including living support, and supportive roommate. Also included are respite, day programs and community access services for family managed and PDD-funded individuals.
- Email:
Phone : (587) 889-7755
Canadian Mental Health Association
Programming is offered (in the form of workshops and peer support groups) that focuses on the needs of those living with or caring for someone with a mental health and/or addiction issue, who are often themselves left unattended to.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 297-1700
Caregivers Alberta
Provides peer support opportunities for caregivers, system navigation, and community awareness.
- Email:
Phone: (780) 453-5088
Chinese Christian Mission
This is for parents who have children with special needs who speak Chinese.
- Phone: (403) 233-8763 contact Helen Ho
Connections Counseling and Consulting Foundation
Support for parents with intellectual disabilities and their families. Provide in-home support, advocacy and counseling.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 209-1100
Distress Centre
Provides 24-hour crisis support, professional counseling and referrals – all at no cost.
- Phone: (403) 266-4357
Family Caregiver Centre
Supports for individuals who care for people with disabilities. Offers connections to healthcare and community services, a supportive person to talk to, education programs, and a library of books, videos, and articles.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 955-1674
Southwood United Church – Coping and Caring
This caring group meets monthly to support caregivers and those dealing with difficult times. All are welcome. 2nd Monday of every month at 1:00pm in the Library.
- Website:
Spectrum Promising Association (SPA)
A NPO for Chinese families of children with Autism in Calgary. A supportive network for Chinese ASD families to unite them together, to break down language and culture barriers for navigating the systems including FSCD, PDD, education, and communities. Promotes evidence-based interventions to support individuals with ASD and their families. Offers peer mentorship and lived experience support to ASD individuals and families through focused, non-specialized guidance. Empower individuals with ASD to develop their strengths and reach their potential through a person-centered, strength-based approach, with opportunities for volunteering and group activities.
- Email:
Phone: (403) 992-2866