Patricia Lemer’s Pre-Conference Workshop in Banff, AB Sept 21

Visual Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and ADHD: More than Meets the Eye
Whether you are a seasoned professional or a parent with a newly diagnosed child, you are sure to gain insights on the role of vision in ASD and ADHD.


Learn the differences between eyesight and vision.
Understand how vision develops and emerges as the dominant sense.
Find out how vision depends on the efficient coordination of the two eyes, brain and body.
Discover the role of reflexes, movement, touch, and audition in visual processing.
Experience vision’s role in motor, language and cognitive development.
Collaborate with adjunct professionals.
Incorporate vision activities into therapies, educational and home activities.
Finally, prevent visual difficulties from conception.
Investment: $129
Date: September 21, 2015
Time: 9 to 4pm
Location: Banff Centre
Conference Facebook page at for more interviews with other presenters.

Conference website at to register today!