Adult Vocational Opportunities; March 19 or 20


HelpWantedA Discussion of Findings and

Recommendations from a Study;

Vocational Opportunities

for Adults with

Autism Spectrum Disorders

We are reporting on study findings from a cross-Canada study exploring the vocational (employment, volunteer, post-high school education) experiences of adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  Findings reflect needs and resources, and ways to improve vocational opportunities.

In these two sessions we welcome individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder, families, professionals, and everyone working in a supportive role to share ideas on what is being done and what needs to be done to support children, youth, and adults.  Let’s help shape a future that increases the success of people with Autism Spectrum Disorder contributing successfully and meaningfully through employment and volunteerism.

For further information or to RSVP contact Allison Anderson, Research Coordinator at or 1-877-492-7219

Please join us at one of the two discussion groups being held…


March 19, 2013

@1:30 pm

Location: The Ability Hub

3rd Floor, Child Development Centre

3820 24th Avenue NW Calgary


  • David Nicholas, University of Calgary
  • Lyndon Parakin, Autism Calgary
  • Laura Ghali, The Ability Hub

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March 20, 2013 

@7:00 pm

Location: Autism Calgary Office

174, 3359 27 Street NE Calgary


  • David Nicholas, University of Calgary
  • Lyndon Parakin, Autism Calgary