Tomatis with Adelina Coresi MA, RCTC, IS
Thursday, February 25 from 7-9pm
174, 3359 – 27th Street NE map
Adelina Coresi MA, RCTC, IS, will discuss what Tomatis is, how it works and how it may help our children. Please see below for more details on Tomatis and Adelina’s or visit her website at *
The Tomatis Method is a technique of sound sensory stimulation.
Adelina Coresi is the only Registered Certified Tomatis Practitioner in Western Canada. She holds a Master of Arts in Music Therapy, a Master in Clinical Psychology and a degree on Psychology-Pedagogy from the University of Bucharest. She was also trained in Classical Psychodrama by the Psychodrama Association of Milan, Italy. Her Tomatis Certification for a centre-based program was earned in 2009 when she trained in Paris with The Tomatis Development Corporation. She completed her training for the cutting-edge portable Tomatis device, Solisten, in New York City in 2011. Adelina is currently completing her PhD in Clinical Psychology.
The Tomatis Method was developed by Alfred A. Tomatis, a French ear, nose and throat physician. He studied the relationship between the ear and the voice, and by extension, between listening and communication. His discoveries were validated at the physiology laboratory of the Sorbonne and were presented at the Academy of Medicine in Paris in 1957 and 1960. The Tomatis Method is based on a number of concepts about how the human being develops, processes information, communicates with self and others, and learns.
Issues positively impacted include:
- Attention difficulties (ADHD, ADD)
- Learning difficulties (dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia)
- Emotional disorders (anxiety, energy levels, low self-esteem, stress)
- Sensory Integration and Developmental Disorders (PDD, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, etc.)
- Communication and Social Integration (language development and communication challenges)
- Language acquisition
- Personal and behavioural growth
- Enhanced abilities and maximised potential
- Mothers-to-be wellness program
- Health and Aging
- Senior citizens’ wellness program
*Disclaimer: Information provided on this page is for informational purposes only. The information on this page or discussed in our group is NOT intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other healthcare professional, or for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing medication, therapies, diets or other treatment.
Autism Calgary does not support, endorse or recommend any method, treatment, product, remedial center, program or person for people with autism or autism related conditions. It does, however, endeavor to inform because it believes in the right to have access to the information available and to make individual choices.