New!! Social Dynamics at AAFS- Register now!



Have you ever asked any of these questions; Will my son/daughter ever have a BF/GF? Will they be able to hold a job? Will they ever have meaningful relationships in their life? Will they ever be independent?

Social Dynamics is a program designed to connect with individuals that may be struggling with or are looking to improve their social awareness/application, relationship and personal development, self-esteem, networking, and general ability to socialize and interact with the world around us.

At a fundamental level Social Dynamics is about understanding the mechanics and progression of relationships – withrelationships being defined as anything you interact with, which include but are not limited to: your friends and family, your intimate other, your work, school, or sport, and most importantly: yourself.

We have not been this excited for a program in a long time! Finally a program that will give a more tangible, logical and consistent platform for understanding and developing relationships. Not just relationships with people but also the relationships with our environment, our values, our passions, our purpose and most importantly ourselves. This program really focuses on the foundational relationship elements that can be seen throughout all relationships. Foundations like the understanding of human needs, emotions, and connection, and how these elements will impact the development and progression of a relationship. All of these great insights delivered in the most fun, interactive, and of course social way possible.

For more information and to  register call AAFS- 403-246-7383